
The Bottom Line - Kingdom Purpose in Your Business

What responsibility does a Christian leader have to express faith in, through and to, the organisation he/she leads?

Whether your business is a for profit entity or a ministry such as a campsite, care facility, school or other form of ministry; as a Christian leader or leader in a Christian run enterprise/ministry we have a responsibility to not only represent the founding vision, mission and core values but to represent the King of the Kingdom in and through that organisation.

Putting your business in his hands on a daily basis enables us to keep a right focus on all we do; that we are serving the King of kings in our enterprise and not just doing a job from which we make our living.

His wisdom, knowledge, understanding, heart and passion should be the motivating force behind all we do and it should show in the way we behave (character) and all we say (charisma).

To this end Christ will be the reference point to do the job to the best of our abilities, not to shirk on duties just because the boss isn’t looking (your bosses boss is always watching).  

Is your business a kingdom business?
Is your church/ ministry/ school etc a kingdom church/ ministry/ school?
If so it means that you are focused on building His kingdom through all that you do (not just your kingdom). This does not only apply to what we might call front line people (ie those that have a direct interaction with members/ clients/ students etc) but applies to the accountant, the chef, the cleaning staff, the maintenance person, the receptionist and admin staff and all behind the scenes people etc. If each of us is operating at a kingdom level it will show in an excellent spirit, a helpful and friendly attitude and where possible the opportunity to share Christ either as a witness to his glory, evangelistic gospel sharing, or opportunity to console or pray with someone suffering.

 As the owner/ manager, do you reflect these values in your client and staff interactions and do you encourage them to do likewise in theirs?

Ken Costa, a London-based investment banker, in his book ‘God at Work’ makes this powerful comment: “If the Christian faith is not relevant in the work place, it is not relevant at all.”

'There is a new generation of business leaders who see the world differently. For them, God has called them into business. Their company is to be used by God for His purposes. They are passionate about creating products or services. They love marketing and sales. They are always mindful of the bottom line. But there is a higher calling. Everything that the church stands for is actually expressed in “real terms” in their business.'
Derek Brown, Rediscovering the Kingdom  

'Maturity does not come with age; it comes with the acceptance of responsibility. The decision to be responsible for our actions and performance in life is critical.'
Rohan Dredge,
Discovery Church 

Are you being responsible and mature with your Christianity in your workplace?

Howard Sands is the Business Development 
Manager for CSC Buying Group.  He has a 
wealth of experience in marketing, publishing, 
printing and finance in the small business area 
as well as Christian ministry. He is passionate 
about helping Christian ministries be more 
effective. He has a B.Bus (Management & 
Marketing), an Advanced Diploma in Ministry 
and is a practising ordained minister.